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Paris Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939 - Editorial Board

Editorial Board

As part of our editorial process, every new collection is subjected to review by leading academics and experts. We would like to thank the following people for their advice and support:

Dr. David Kaufman

Lecturer in History & Programme Director, MSc in History University of Edinburgh
Dr David Kaufman has been a Lecturer in History in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology the University of Edinburgh since 2012. His main area of research is British foreign policy towards Eastern Europe in the era of the Great War. He has written on the Paris Peace Conference and is presently researching the link between revisionism and reparations in the 1920s.

Professor Gaynor Johnson

Professor of International History University of Kent
Professor Gaynor Johnson studied History at the University College of North Wales, now Bangor University, where she received her BA and PhD. There, she developed an interest in international history, in particular the role of ambassadors in the conduct of British foreign policy in the first half of the 20th century.