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Black History Month - 2023

Authored by Rex Cleaver
Published on 2nd February, 2023 3 min read

Black History Month - 2023

A poster for Black History Month.

“History is a people’s memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals.” – Malcolm X

This February marks Black History Month in the United States. Black History Month is an annual observance that officially began in 1970, however, its origins date back to 1926. In February 1926 historian Carter Woodson created the "Negro History Week" as a way of recognising the contributions of African Americans to American history. Woodson believed that the teaching of black history was vital for the survival of a race within broader society. Over the years “Negro History Week” grew in popularity and eventually transitioned into a month of celebration in the 1970s. The month of February was chosen to coincide with the birthday of social reformer and abolitionist Frederick Douglas as well as Abraham Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. 

Every year there is a new theme for Black History Month, last year’s theme was centred around Black Health and Wellness, whereas the 2023 theme focuses on the importance of “Black Resistance”. According to The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the theme aims to explore how "African Americans have resisted historic and ongoing oppression, in all forms, especially the racial terrorism of lynching, racial pogroms and police killings," since the nation's earliest days. 

The yearly themes are vital in moving away from the narrative that Black history in America is just stories about slavery and racism. They provide an opportunity to spotlight Black achievement in all aspects of American society and further explore how modern America was built. 2023’s theme is no exception, highlighting how Black Americans have consistently “sought ways to nurture and protect Black lives, and for autonomy of their physical and intellectual bodies through armed resistance, voluntary emigration, nonviolence, education, literature, sports, media, and legislation/politics” (ASALH). With this in mind, Karyn Parsons maintains: 

“Black history isn’t a separate history. This is all of our history, this is American history, and we need to understand that.”

When it comes to special months, like this, sometimes they can be viewed as separate from the mainstream history of a country. However, it is important to acknowledge that there is no American history without African American history. 

This month is all about honouring the contributions and legacy of African Americans across American history and society. It is about amplifying Black voices, not only in the past, but the present and also creating a safe space for the future. While it is a month of celebration, it is also a month of reflection, a time to reflect on the systemic racism that still persists in America and see what can be done.

Authored by Rex Cleaver

Rex Cleaver

Rex is an Editorial Assistant at British Online Archives

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