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Summer Solstice

Authored by Nathaniel Andrews
Published on 21st June, 2022 1 min read

Summer Solstice

An image of Stonehenge with a sun setting behind it.

Today marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. 

Also known as ‘Midsummer’, this is the longest day of the year and, historically, it has been an important cultural event in many countries. In the UK, pagans often observe the summer solstice at Stonehenge, a prehistoric stone circle near Salisbury, which was built around 4,000 years ago. 

For many pagans, this is a time of celebration, and the festive atmosphere at their gatherings reflects this, with singing and dancing throughout the night. In Nordic countries such as Sweden and Finland, the summer solstice remains a public holiday, and people frequently throw parties for friends and family. 

Further south, in India, Hindus celebrate Uttarayan – the ‘Kite Festival’ – at this time of year, to mark the official start of the summer season. 

To all those celebrating today, BOA wishes you a very happy summer solstice!

Authored by Nathaniel Andrews

Nathaniel Andrews

Nathaniel Andrews is Senior Editor at British Online Archives, and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute. Between October 2018 and September 2021, he taught in the Schools of History and Languages at the University of Leeds, and between September 2021 and June 2022, he was a Lecturer in Spanish and Latin American Cultural Studies at the University of Manchester. His research centres primarily on the history of anarchism in the Hispanic World and North America, and he has several publications on the Spanish and Argentinian labour movements. He is currently working on his first monograph.

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The British Online Archives Notable Days diary is a platform intended to mark key dates and events throughout the year. The posts draw attention to historical events and figures, as well as recurring cultural traditions and international awareness days, in both religious and secular contexts.

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