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Philosophy of Language, 1856-1906

Philosophy of Language, 1856-1906

Collection: 19th and 20th Century Philosophy in Perspective    Volumes    Philosophy of Language, 1856-1906

This volume contains 10 books from Lady Victoria Welby-Gregory’s annotated personal library. The books, which were published or republished during the period 1856-1906, contend with the philosophy of language and its related subfields, such as philology, linguistics, semantics, semiotics, and semiology. Many of the ideas expressed within these books were important in the development of Welby-Gregory’s own theory of significs, which she summarised as “the science of meaning or the study of significance.”

Authors in this volume: Carl Abel (1837-1906); Mary Everest Boole (1832-1916); Michel Bréal (1832-1915); William Flemming (1791-1866); Henry Watson Fowler (1858-1933); A.C. Price (unknown); Alfred Sidgwick (1850-1943); John Radford Thomson (d. 1918); and David Urquhart (1805-1877).

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View document: Urquhart, David. 'Familiar Words as Affecting England and the English'.

Urquhart, David. 'Familiar Words as Affecting England and the English'

London: Trübner & Co., 1856

Contributor:Senate House Library, University of London
View document: Thomson, J. Radford. 'A Dictionary of Philosophy in the Words of Philosophers'.

Thomson, J. Radford. 'A Dictionary of Philosophy in the Words of Philosophers'

London: R.D. Dickinson, 1887

Contributor:Senate House Library, University of London
View document: Sidgwick, Alfred. 'The Use of Words in Reasoning'.

Sidgwick, Alfred. 'The Use of Words in Reasoning'

London: A. & C. Black, 1901

Contributor:Senate House Library, University of London
View document: Price, A.C. 'Elements of Comparative Grammar and Philology: For Use in Schools'.

Price, A.C. 'Elements of Comparative Grammar and Philology: For Use in Schools'

London: George Bell and Sons, 1886

Contributor:Senate House Library, University of London
View document: Fowler, H.W.  'The King's English'.

Fowler, H.W. 'The King's English'

Oxford: Clarendon, 1906

Contributor:Senate House Library, University of London
View document: Flemming, William. 'The Vocabulary of Philosophy, Psychological, Ethical, Metaphysical: with Quotations and References'.

Flemming, William. 'The Vocabulary of Philosophy, Psychological, Ethical, Metaphysical: with Quotations and References'

London: C. Griffin, 1887

Contributor:Senate House Library, University of London
View document: Bréal, Michel. 'Essai de sémantique' ('Semantics : Studies in the Science of Meaning') (FRA).

Bréal, Michel. 'Essai de sémantique' ('Semantics : Studies in the Science of Meaning') (FRA)

London: Heinemann, 1900

Contributor:Senate House Library, University of London
View document: Abel, Carl. 'Sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen' (GER).

Abel, Carl. 'Sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen' (GER)

Leipzig: William Friedrich, 1885

Contributor:Senate House Library, University of London
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