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Agitation and the Internal Politics of British Communism, 1907-1977 - Volumes

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53 volumes in Agitation and the Internal Politics of British Communism, 1907-1977  | Page 4 of 14

Pollitt’s accounts of the Second World War, 1939-1959

Two documents covering the outbreak of the Second World War from Pollitt’s perspective. They discuss the tricky internal politics of the Communist Party, who had to support Stalin’s deal with Hitler in 1939, as well as memoirs of Pollitt’s experience of the opening years of the war. Read more →

Material on the British coal mining industry, 1944

A range of material related to the coal mining industry in Britain. Read more →

The Party History Commission, 1956-1958

The Party History Commission was a body set up to investigate the possibility of writing an official history of the Communist Party of Great Britain. The long, arduous nature of the task eventually resulted in the commission being abandoned and James Klugmman nominated to write the history individually. Read more →

Correspondence with Palme Dutt during the Third Period, 1928-1932

Palme Dutt was a high ranking CPGB official and the de facto theorist of the party. He and Pollitt worked closely together over a number of years, and together they largely oversaw the CPGB’s most successful period. Correspondence between Pollitt and Dutt illuminates the early work and internal disputes of the CPGB, as well as detailed discussions of the Third Period with related reports. The Third Period was an era... Read more →

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